
Congo kitabu jean pierre hallet
Congo kitabu jean pierre hallet

congo kitabu jean pierre hallet

The 17 native tribes under his jurisdiction adored him, many calling him "Father" because his love for them and the Congo itself was so evident. From 1948 until 1960, when the rebellion for independence began, he was faithful in his post. Jean-Pierre Hallet served for 10 years in the Belgian Congo in government administration. In my opinion, this memoir by Jean-Pierre Hallet fills the bill. I love stories about personal courage against all odds, sacrifices for a noble cause, and bucking the powers-that-be for the betterment of their corner of the world. The 17 native tribes und I have just read another to add to my all-time favorite list. I have just read another to add to my all-time favorite list. In several chapters of the book are described some of his first encounters with the Efe pygmies of the Ituri forest.more

congo kitabu jean pierre hallet

Hallet's accounts include those of extensive personal participation in cultural activities of the region, including secretive and forbidden (by the Belgian colonial government) practices. His accounts provide a unique anthropological source of information of the Congo basin during that period.ĭr. In it he documents interactions with multiple isolated cultures throughout the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi regions.

congo kitabu jean pierre hallet

Hallet's accounts incl Congo Kitabu is an auto-biographical book about the travels of Jean-Pierre Hallet through central Africa from 1948 through 1960. His accounts provide a unique anthropological source of information of the Congo basin during that period. Congo Kitabu is an auto-biographical book about the travels of Jean-Pierre Hallet through central Africa from 1948 through 1960.

Congo kitabu jean pierre hallet